View Profile Kazenomakenshi

Kazenomakenshi's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,715 (From 278 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 22,765 Points

New York Shark

Medals Earned: 3/17 (45/480 points)

King Kong 10 Points

Killing King Kong

Trump Jet 25 Points

Crushing Donald Trump's Jet

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Balloon 10 Points

Crushing the balloon

Air Racer 25 Points

Crushing the Air Racer

Asteroid 25 Points

Crushing the Asteroid

Baseballs 25 Points

Catching 10 Baseballs

Coast Bomber 25 Points

Crushing the Coast Bomber

Coast Guard 25 Points

Crushin the Coast Guard Jet

Hindenburg 25 Points

Crushing the Hindenburg Zeppelin

Osama 25 Points

Killing Osama Bin Laden

Spiderman 25 Points

Killing Spiderman

Tram 25 Points

Crushing the tram

Containers 50 Points

Crushing 65 Containers

Cows 50 Points

Killing 28 Cows

Navy 50 Points

Eating 15 Navy Soldiers

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

NG Jam 2012

Medals Earned: 11/12 (430/480 points)

Beat Creature Of Black Lagoon Level 1 10 Points

name says it all

beat slender level 1 10 Points

exactly what medal name says

Beat Yeti Level 1 10 Points

name says it all

Beat Yeti Level 2 25 Points

does whats on tin

Viewed The Credits 25 Points

does what said on tin

Beat Slender Level 2 50 Points

Beat Slender Level 2

Learning The Game 50 Points

Get This For Looking At The Tutorial Screen

Swamp2 50 Points

The Second Lagoon Level Has Been Beaten

Checking Out The Cabinjam 100 Points

Checking out the cabinjam medal.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)

Something's Not right here... 5 Points

You can now move left...

The End 10 Points

You got to the end. Well done.

Nothing To Hide

Medals Earned: 4/6 (90/195 points)


Run away, and begin your escape.

Self Surveillance 10 Points

Complete the "Moving iEye" levels

Slidewalking 25 Points

Complete the "Slidewalk" levels

An Act of Activation 50 Points

Complete the "Activating iEye" levels

Support & Share 5 Points

Support us, or share this satire of social media on social media.

BE NOBODY 100 Points

Yay, you completed the whole demo! You dissident!


Medals Earned: 1/54 (5/495 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 1 enemy with normal attack.

Accelerator Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 5 Accelerators.

Advanced Evolution 5 Points

Evolve second time.

Are You Serious? 5 Points

Game over in level 1.

Are You Sleeping? 5 Points

The creature dies over 10 times in any level.

Blood Pool Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 5 Blood Pools.

Crying 5 Points

Stay in front of the game over screen for 30 seconds.

Delicious 5 Points

Boss I eaten.

Devour Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Devour Towers.

Dragon Unlocked 5 Points

Finish story with Dragons.

Evolution 5 Points

Evolve first time.

Feedback 5 Points

Feedback appreciated.

Flame Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Flame Towers.

Glaive Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Glaive Towers.

Got Killed 5 Points

The creature dies.

I Love Second Grades 5 Points

Pass challenge level with creature evolved only once.

Ice Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Ice Towers.

Landmine Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 5 Landmines.

Level 30 Survived 5 Points

Survive 30 levels in endless mode.

Low Health 5 Points

Pass level with 10 base HP or lower in endless or story.

Missile Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 5 Missile Towers.

Newbie Guide 5 Points

Read all tutorials.

Pulse Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Pulse Towers.

Puppet Unlocked 5 Points

Finish story with Puppets.

Quick Advanced Evolution 5 Points

Evolve second time before level 13.

Quick Evolution 5 Points

Evolve first time before level 6.

Spirit Unlocked 5 Points

Finish story with Spirits.

Story Finished 5 Points

Story levels Finished.

Stun Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Stun Towers.

Tastes Like Shit 5 Points

Boss II eaten.

Tower Merchant 5 Points

Sell more than 10 towers.

Ultima Killed 5 Points

Finish Ultima boss.

Undead Unlocked 5 Points

Finish story with Undeads.

Visit Us 5 Points

Visit our website. Just click our logo!

Bosses Cleared 10 Points

Finish all bosses.

Chakra Killed 10 Points

Finish Chakra boss.

Chronos Killed 10 Points

Finish Chronos boss.

Combat Master 10 Points

Finish story levels without building towers.

Conditioned Finished 10 Points

Finish all conditioned levels.

Extreme Finished 10 Points

Finish all extreme levels.

Funny Finished 10 Points

Finish all funny levels.

Fury Attack 10 Points

Reach max attack speed.

Hard Mode Finished 10 Points

Finish story levels with hard mode.

Never Upgraded 10 Points

Finish story mode without upgrading Base.

Pinocchio Killed 10 Points

Finish Pinocchio boss.

Scarface Killed 10 Points

Finish Scarface boss.

ShadowKiller Killed 10 Points

Finish ShadowKiller boss.

Strategic Finished 10 Points

Finish all strategic levels.

Striker Killed 10 Points

Finish Striker boss.

110 Stars Received 25 Points

Received 110 achievement stars.

75 Stars Received 25 Points

Received 75 achievement stars.

All Creatures Unlocked 25 Points

Finish story with all species.

Level 45 Survived 50 Points

Survive 45 levels in endless mode.

Ultimate 50 Points

All other achievements finished.


Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/130 points)

Start 5 Points

Kill the first boss.

Halfway 25 Points

Defeat the first 5 bosses.

Finish 50 Points

Defeat all 10 bosses.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Orange Roulette

Medals Earned: 3/8 (105/265 points)

Fresh Squeeze 5 Points

You Survived Your First Encounter

Harmer's Market 50 Points

You Shot Your Opponent!

You Would Have Never Known 50 Points

You Spun the Cylinder When You Would Have Been Shot

Extra Pulp 10 Points

You Lived Through Round Two

Dark Harvest 25 Points

You Are Victorious, But At What Price?

Fruit Concentrate 25 Points

Three Down And Still Fresh

Luck Is An Illusion 50 Points

Get To The End On Your First Game

Overripe 50 Points

You Survived A Long Rally


Medals Earned: 8/19 (75/500 points)

This is too easy 5 Points

Completed a wave

Doctor ? 10 Points

Unlocked level 2

lulz 10 Points

Unlocked level 4

Me, myself and I 10 Points

Triple kill

Not too bad 10 Points

Completed a round

Splash down 10 Points

Unlocked level 3

Two sets of twins 10 Points

Quadruple kill

You're on fire 10 Points

Kill Streak

We told you not to 5 Points

Caught camping

Deadly 10 Points


Fresh Air 10 Points

Unlocked level 5

A bit trickier 25 Points

Completed a set

Change the bulb 25 Points

Unlocked level 6

Don't drink the water 25 Points

Unlocked level 8

Friendly Fire 25 Points

Unlocked level 7

Lazy, us ? 50 Points

Unlocked level 9

Perfect for a picnic 50 Points

Unlocked level 10

That's dedication 100 Points

Complete all the challenges

Wow, just wow 100 Points

Reach rank 50


Medals Earned: 3/5 (80/155 points)

GOOD PUPPY 25 Points

complete the tutorial.

BLISS 50 Points

Complete a Level

PET 5 Points

Get a 5x combo

LAPDOG 25 Points

Get a 10x combo

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Parking Hooligan 2

Medals Earned: 5/7 (35/110 points)

Angry driver 5 Points

earn 10 stars

Destroyer of taxi 5 Points

explode 3 taxi at level 3

First explosion 5 Points

explode car

Crazy hooligan 10 Points

earn 25 stars

Destroyer of police 10 Points

destroy 10 police cars

Great hooligan 25 Points

earn 45 stars

King of the parking 50 Points

completed 20 levels